Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Our darling daughter, Tyann Sera Goh

Lil' Tyann,

Its been more than a month since you came out from Mummy's tummy... 6 weeks to be exact and it has taken this long for Mummy G to put up her first post since your birth.

Tyann Sera Goh...finally a face to the name we thought of many months back when Mummy G was expecting you in my tummy. You are Daddy and Mummy G's pride and joy, our cutest superstar who makes Daddy and Mummy G so tired with sleepless nights.

Why do all weariness disappear when we look at you?

Tyann Sera Goh...the little terror who cries the house down when she is not in the warmth of someone's arms or when she is not given her milk. The little funny one who falls alseep listening to techno music instead of soothing lullabies. The little sleepyhead who is able to sleep wherever she goes, even in the most noisy places. The little messy one who spills milk all over her face and neck, poo over her little bum and legs.

Why do our hearts feel like they have melted in spite of your little antics?

Tyann Sera Goh...our precious darling daughter, Tyann Sera Goh (Wu Qi'en).Born 22 October 2008, 1229 hrs, finally brought safely to this world. Born to Daddy Vincent G and Mummy Sharon G as a precious precious gift from God.

Why are we so privileged to be chosen to be your parents?

Tyann Sera Goh...born to this world with two red birthmarks on each of your eyelids. The doctor said they are called "angel's kiss" and will go away in 2 years.

Mummy G thinks the day when you were due to be born to this earth, lil' Tyann's guardian angel, your guardian angel from heaven who had been looking after you in the 9+ months you were in Mummy G's womb, couldn't bear to part with lil' Tyann.

When it was time for lil' Tyann to come forth to this world, the guardian angel planted two kisses on each of lil' Tyann's eyelids

As she kissed each tiny eyelid, the guardian angel said to lil' Tyann,"Aunty Angel loves lil' Tyann. Go now lil' Tyann to be born into this world to your earthly Daddy and Mummy and when they see your eyelids, may they know that an angel had been guarding over their lil' Tyann all this while. And when they see your eyelids, may they know how to love you and guard you, the way I have loved and guarded you. The time has come and you must go now, lil' Tyann, to your Daddy and Mummy."

One might say that this is just Mummy G's imagination running on overdrive from lack of sleep.

But this is how Mummy G chooses to believe- that Tyann Sera Goh was born to us as a precious gift from God, an extension of his amazing grace to us. And your chinese name, Wu Qi'en, speaks of His over-abundant grace in your life and Daddy and Mummy G will remember His grace over our lives through you.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

35 weeks exactly and OUCH!

Lil' Tyann,

35 weeks old exactly today! Happy 35 weeks old in Mummy G's tummy! =D

Wasn't it an eventful way to commemorate this special day- with a TOOTH SURGERY @ Dr Philip Goh's (Mummy G will trust no one but him in her multiple dental treatments...) !!!

Lil' Tyann must have been scared out of your wits with his constant drilling, cutting, digging, more drilling, cutting, digging into Mummy G's jaw...but don't be afraid as this is really just a "normal procedure" for your Mummy G.

Mummy G "suffers" from some funny dental "ailment" (which I found out it is called "Cracked Tooth Syndrome") which (as it's name implies) causes Mummy G's teeth to be very brittle and crack and decay at bullet train speed.

Basically at this point, ALL Mummy G's teeth have been impacted (in different degrees of seriousness) by this stupid ailment. To put it bluntly, it means ALL Mummy G's teeth are actually beyond repair and need to be taken/pulled/"surgeried" out.

Dear Dr Philip Goh (Mummy's very trusted dentist) already has an implant treatment plan for Mummy G and it was due for implementation (starting with a terrible upper jaw surgery with some bone harvesting and graft to help with the upper implants...) last March 2008. However, in Feb 08, Mummy G realised she was carrying lil' Tyann inside and hence unable to go for that upper jaw surgery and start the process of treatment.

Dr G (oh yes, another GOH like us!=D) was very supportive of lil' Tyann and told Mummy G we will take one thing at a time.

"One thing at a time" means when the following happens:
a) One of Mummy G's stupid tooth breaks and needs some temporary aesthetic repair
b) One of Mummy G's never lasting crown comes off and needs temporary gluing.
c) One of Mummy G's dumb tooth aches and needs root canal treatment
d) One of Mummy G's "root canaled" tooth breaks and needs temporary aesthtic repair.
e) One of Mummy G's "root canaled" tooth, which is usually already broken into root stumps starts aching and needs to be pulled, or rather, taken out via surgery (usually..)

And so..when "one thing at a time" has happened over the past few months while carrying lil' Tyann in my tummy, Mummy G will trudge to Dr G's and he will do the neccessary to provide temporary relief for Mummy G.

For the past few months, Mummy G had experienced all of the above scenarios but e)-the most hated, dreaded and painful scenerio.

But all "good things" must come to an end. Today, scenerio e) returned to haunt Mummy G....

And so, to Dr G's she went with lil' Tyann (basically, you don't have a choice. Haaaa) and Dr G was not able to get the stupid root stump out. Hence, cutting of gums, drilling of bone and digging was next on the plate.

Now Mummy G is talking to you with a sore left cheek, which is swollen and ugly. Sob! No gym, no Spinning classes for the next few days as Mummy G "没脸见人".... Sigh.

Mummy G asked Dr G to call Dr Fong just now-to ensure that the painkillers Dr G prescribed are safe for lil' Tyann. Thank God it was safe! However, Mummy G only took one painkiller even though Dr G said I can take two. But I really do not want lil Tyann to be exposed to so much medication. I just think that this is no good for lil' Tyann.

Mummy G has also decided against taking the antibiotics Dr G prescribed-though they have been declared safe by Dr Fong. Lil' Tyann should be protected as much as possible and Mummy G is so afraid that all medication consumed by Mummy G at this point are toxins for lil' Tyann.

However, the greatest fear Mummy G has for lil' Tyann is the fear of lil' Tyann inheriting any "bad" stuff from Mummy G. Like sweaty palms and this terrible "Cracked tooth syndrome".

Mummy G prays that in this aspect, lil' Tyann will take after Daddy G (who incidently also has sweaty palms...) and have teeth so strong that can be used to crack crab shells like he always does.

Mummy G prays that lil' Tyann will have a perfect set of teeth which can be used to smile beautifully at people around you, savour food of different textures without concern or fear (unlike Mummy G who cannot eat hard food but only mushy and soft stuff).

Mummy G prays that God is reading this blog post and taking away any ailments that could be inherited by lil' Tyann.

Lil' Tyann, when you are born into this world in just a few weeks time, may you be healthy and well. May you be protected from all allergies, ailments or any other health or physically related problems. May every organ be perfectly formed-from head to toe.

And God, please listen to this prayer for my lil' Tyann.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Drama queens in the making....

Lil' Tyann,

What a DRAMATIC trip to Melbourne we had...definitely a story that Daddy and Mummy G will remember, probably for the rest of their lives..

As you know, Daddy and Mummy G brought you (in the tummy) to Melbourne for our "last" holiday before you pop out from Mummy G's tummy..who would have expected the drama that unfolded in Melbourne...(expect graphic details....)

Thursday. 28 August 2008. 2.45pm Melboune time:

Mummy G decided to go to the toilet to ease herself of the damned constipation that she had been suffering from. Unfortunately, the stupid stool decided to get stuck in Mummy G's anus and caused Mummy G much agony. So Mummy G decided she had to get the stupid stool out. By hook or by crook. And so...she used all the strength she could muster...

4.00pm Melbourne time:

Still straining in the toilet....decided to give up but realised she could not stand up with that stool in the anus!! U-oh.....dieeee....Shouted for Daddy G to go to the pharmacy to buy Ecnema...the pump that you push up the anus to ease the constipation....

4.15pm Melbourne Time

Daddy G comes back with the Ecnema...Mummy G pumps the damn thing in her no what???
Mummy G decided to use all her might to stand up in spite of the terrible feeling of the stool stuck in her anus...

4.30pm Melboune Time

Mummy G groans in agony on the hotel bed and suddenly feels a gush of water flowing from her...goes to the toilet to check and realises her panties are all wet..double uh-oh....don't tell me the waterbag burst!!! and lil' Tyann is only 31 weeks!!

Daddy and Mummy G rush to the nearest Melbourne hospital, the Saint Vincent's Hospital.

At the hospital, the nurses and doctors says membranes may have been torn but told us they will need to ambulance us to the Royal Women's Hospital as they do not have any doctors specialised in the field of gynaecology in the hospital.

5.00pm Melboune Time

First ever ambulance ride for both Daddy and Mummy G....geez...Mummy G's mind is blank and only thinking about how that stupid stool stuck in her anus is hurting her...

5.15pm Melboune Time

Reaches Royal Women's Hospital. Gets wheeled into a DELIVERY SUITE!! OMG!!! "If lil' Tyann gets born here, will she become an Australian Citizen?" Mummy G wonders..haha...

6.30pm Melbourne Time

The doctor FINALLY arrives, and says he needs to insert some dumb speculum into Mummy G to get some swabs to do some tests to see what is happening...Mummy G is starting to hate this....

7.30pm Melbourne Time

Doctor finally reappears with the HUGE METAL SPECULUM. Gulp....that looks painful. And so the swabs were done with Mummy G yelling in pain...bleh....

8.30pm Melbourne Time

Damn doctors here seem to work in one-hour intervals... test results come back and announced to us by another doctor as the previous one was off duty. Says that there is some complication as test results show that Mummy G may have the possibility of going into labour within the next 7 days. HUH????

However, as lil' Tyann is only 31 weeks, her lungs are not yet matured enough to be born. So she told us we need two steroid injections, administered within 24 hours of each other, to help lil' Tyann's lungs to mature case she really gets born within the next 7 days...

Daddy G calls trusty ol' Dr Fong... and Dr Fong says that's an OK thing to do. So we agreed to take the steroid injections...

9.00pm Melbourne Time

Third doctor comes in and says we are not to leave Melbourne for at least 5 days and have to be hospitalised for the whole time!!! NOOOOOO!!! Daddy and Mummy G will not hear of it!!

We tell her we want to go back to Singapore the next day but the doc will not hear of it. She says we will get into trouble with the airline if Mummy G was to go into labour on the plane and lil' Tyann will not survive and the hospital will not be responsible..ya da ya da....She says we HAVE TO at least stay in Melboune until given the all clear even if we decide not to be hospitalised.

10.00pm Melboune time

We are still waiting for the damn injection so we can go back to our hotel....Daddy and Muumy G were so bored we decided to take some photos to commemorate the "special occasion"..

Staring at the TV screen (with no TV programs unless you pay) for about 7 hours...

Daddy G stoned out...

Mummy G looking at her IV tube stucked into her for nothing...sigh...

11.00pm Melbourne Time

Daddy G and Mummy G have no food and the nurses are NOT coming to give the jab. We want our dinner and to get outta here!! Grrrrr....Nurses have disappeared, so have the doctors...

12.00am Melbourne Time

Daddy G seeks out the nurses to COMPLAIN and they say "this is a busy night....". No time for a 30 second jab????

1.30am Melbourne Time

Finally!!! The nurse comes in with the jab. Sorry, the jab took probably 10 secs...We finally get to go back to our hotel.

30 August 2008

Daddy and Mummy G decided to "heck" the doctor's instructions to remain in Melbourne in case you decide to pop out. We went to the Qantas office early in the morning to change our flight to fly back on the same afternoon.

9.30pm Singapore Time

Back in Singapore safe and sound! No labour in the plane. Hahahha...Bleh to the Aussie Doctors! We are back in Singapore!!=))

31 August 2008

Daddy and Mummy G went to see Dr Fong today and went to the hospital for the second steroid jab. Daddy and Mummy G hope that lil' Tyann will not decide to pop out this week so that she can be a stronger girl when she comes out into the world..

BUT, at the very least, we think we have gotten ourselves pretty covered.. with the two steroid jabs, lil' Tyann's lungs should be able to withstand the harshness of the outside world should you pop this week. Otherwise, perhaps you will have "SUPER LUNGS" if you pop when you are 9-10 months old in Mummy G's tummy as you have been "steroided"..HAAAAAA..=D

What a story to go down memory lane for Daddy and Mummy G. Mummy G says lil' Tyann is a Drama queen in the making. Daddy G says the Drama Queen is Mummy dramatic to go through this episode because of...CONSTIPATION!! (*embarrassing indeed..*)

But Lil' Tyann, do you know what the moral of the story is?

Always be prepared for the worst.
Buy Travel Insurance.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ruminations of a thankful mum (to-be)

Lil' Tyann,

A 30 week old lil' Tyann in Mummy G's tummy certainly feels very different. Lil' Tyann seems to be running out of space to move around.

Sometimes ("Some" is an understatement") you give Mummy G's ribs a hard kick and Mummy G gets a painful shock!(Daddy G says you must be gentler as you are a LEARN to be gentler and ladylike..or face naggings from you know who in future!!=D)

Lil' one, do you know that you may be coming out into this world in just 7 weeks? 37 weeks in Mummy G's tummy is considered "old" enough to be out into the real world and Daddy and Mummy G are getting so excited!!

Mummy G has bought a lot of nice clothes for you to wear when you come out. There was a major sale in Hong Kong when Mummy G (and Tyann in Mummy G's tummy!!) went for a business trip last week. You must have felt Mummy G go wild in the shopping centre! Hahaha!

Daddy G is his usual self...warns Mummy G to "Stop buying!Lil' Tyann will outgrow the clothes and she will not get to wear them! CONTROLLLLLL..."

Makes sense but the "Control" part is really diificult.. For Mummy G at least. Hee hee hee...Think Daddy G can only just shake his head in despair...Hiak Hiak! =p

Daddy G and Mummy G went to the hospital to do a 4D scan of Lil' Tyann... we really wanted to see how lil' Tyann looks like and so trooped down to Thomson Medical Centre for the 4D scan.

Alas! Lil's Tyann is certainly one cheeky fella. Dr Fong (and all other nurses, sonographers who have interacted with you so far) has said that you are super active-as in S.U.P.E.R active and you are one baby that cannot stop moving! Hence, you, agile one, gave us the slip yesterday and hid your face either behind Mummy G's tummy wall or spread both of your lil' hands across your face to hide it from us!

But Aunty Nurse managed to snap one not so clear picture of your face and that is Daddy and Mummy G's only picture of your full face so far...

Almost towards the end of carrying you in my tummy, Mummy G often feels an overwhelming rush of emotions when I think of the past 7.5 months.

In spite of the painful kicks, tightening & itchy tummy, slight disappointment in the 4D scan failure, Mummy G is thankful...

Mummy G is thankful for:

1. The day when she found out she was miraculously carrying a baby when it was "tecnically" quite improbable. (and this is another story for you lil' one.)
2. The day she heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time as it meant you were alive and fighting to survive against all odds.
3. The day she could stop her alternate day painful Progesterone injections to keep ll' Tyann alive in her tummy as it meant lil' Tyann had put up a strong fight in the first three months of your conception and won the fight.
4. The day she found out about the amniotic band/sheet in her tummy as it made her realise how much she already loved her lil' unborn one.
5. Tha day she found that the amniotic band/sheet had not harmed lil' Tyann as it meant her lil' Tyann had yet again fought another battle and won.
6. The day she felt lil' Tyann's first rumblings in her tummy as it was such an out-of-this world experience.
7. The day she received the results of all the blood tests etc and everything was good.
8. The day she realised she could not fit into her jeans anymore for it meant lil' Tyann was growing well in her tummy.
9. The day(s) when Daddy G put his hand on Mummy G's tummy for it showed how much lil' Tyann is loved.
10. The day(s) lil' Tyann would kick me at painful places for it meant you are getting stronger by the day.

Mummy G tells herself to remember this thankful feeling because it will be this feeling of thankfulness that will carry Mummy G through tougher times of parenthood.

When tough times arise with lil' Tyann in future, Mummy G hopes Daddy G, lil' Tyann and her will be thankful for each other and go through all good and bad times together- with the same thankful heart.

Monday, August 4, 2008

A short chat for remembrance sake...

Lil' Tyann,

I wonder if you will ever get to see them, but these are your great-grandmas...

The Great-Grandma on the left is your Ah-ma's mummy, and the Great-grandma on your right is your Ah-gong's mummy...

Daddy and Mummy G just returned from the hospital as your Great-grandma on the left is in critical condition. The next 48 hours are critical to her survival. She is also half the size from the picture you see. You are less than 3 months from seeing her and I really hope you will get to see both your Great-grandmas in person. Honestly, Mummy G is not so sure at this point.

Your Great-grandma on the right is also suffering. Her toe dropped off from gangrene last year and she cannot really walk now. She has also shrunk to half her size.

I just wanted you to see who your Great-Grandmas are, and uploaded their pictures (taken at Daddy and Mummy G's wedding last year) so they can forever be etched in our memories.

Mummy G feels surreal right now. Probably so because here I am celebrating life with your impending arrival and yet facing the possibility of mourning yet another lost life (the last time was your Dearest Great-Grandpa).

But lil Tyann, just as lives coming to this earth are celebrated, lives lost to this earth also means they are in Heaven with Jesus.

Heaven is a much nicer place than earth and that's where many lost lives will go. Once they can reach the gates of Heaven, they will live forever without pain and suffering.

And to that, Mummy G deeply wishes Heaven is where she will find her lost loved ones.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Obsesssion with Myers Briggs

lil' Tyann,

Myers Briggs. Daddy G has recently been pretty obsessed and intrigued with Myers Briggs. Ever since he had been introduced, Daddy G has been neglecting Mummy G before bedtime, his eyes glued to the internet oogling at Myers Briggs.

Hahaha! Gotcha!

Daddy G's latest obsession is not another woman or celebrity, but the Myers Briggs Indicator Type (MBTI) personality test! (Bleh, what an anti-climax!=D)

Incidently, it was yours truly, Mummy G, who introduced our Daddy G to the MBTI personality test via the Facebook application called "MyType". Now, too early and probably irrelevant to explain what Facebook is to you, but I am certain it will go down your history books. Haha! =D

Back to MBTI. Through the test, Daddy G found out that he is an ISTP- An Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceptive person. In short, the REALIST.

Mummy G is not very far off from him, being INTP-An Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceptive person.In short, the THEORIST.

And Facebook says Daddy and Mummy G are "neighbours". (Am I glad we are the Margate Rd and not the Everitt Rd neighbours..hohoho!.=D)

After finding out that he is an ISTP, Daddy G has been in "self & people discovery mode" and has been very proud of his strengths, declaring himself (the ISTP Realist) superior over me (the INTP Theorist).=(

He says he gets down to practical things while Mummy G (and her types) only build theories in the air.

But INTPs are smarter! Because some famous INTPs include the famous scientist, Albert Einstein! (and lil' Tyann will probably hate him when you grow older and encounter his infamous physics theories. haha! )Then Daddy G says these people are only famous when they are dead. Bleh (*oink!oink!*).....nice pail of "cold water" down my head...."__"

Daddy and Mummy G became very interested to know what type of parents we will be to lil' Tyann based on our personality type and scoured the internet for analysis done on ISTP and INTP parents.

Mummy G found some analysis and personalised the analysis by replacing the words ISTP with "Daddy G", INTP with "Mummy G" and children with "Tyann". A simple exercise. But a powerful one indeed I must say...

Presenting the REALIST-DADDY G

Daddy G will be a flexible, laid-back and uncontrolling parent who likes to take things as they come. His dislike of being controlled or controlling others extends to Tyann as well.

Hence, Daddy G is likely to give Tyann a lot of breathing room and space for individual growth. However, when discipline is required, Daddy G will be able to administer it without too much difficulty. Daddy G may have difficulty mustering up the enthusiasm to discipline Tyann when she is naughty, but once he gets going he'll be effective.

Daddy G is likely to maintain a distance between Tyann and him. He does not feel a tremendous need to pass on his values to Tyann, or to influence her decisions in life. He is likely to rely on their mates (me, Mummy G!) for creating a structured environment for Tyann to live within.

Daddy G does not like to be directed or controlled, and is not likely to direct and control others - includig Tyann. He is likely to be relatively uninvolved with the daily happenings of family life, without making a conscious effort to keep interested.

Daddy G will enjoy spending one-on-one time with Tyann pursuing outdoorsy activities, such as fishing, boating, hunting, etc. It is during these private moments that Daddy G will take the opportunity to get to know Tyann's perspectives, and to pass on the his interests and perspectives.

And presenting the THEORIST-your Mummy G...

Mummy G loves and respects Knowledge, and wants to pass her jewels of thought down to Tyann. Her greatest goal and satisfaction as a parent is seeing her Tyann grow into an independent, rational adult.

Mummy G is likely to encourage Tyann to grow as an individual, rather than attempt to fit her into a preconceived mold. She will stress autonomy through Tyann's growth. She is likely to respect Tyann's opinions and wishes, and allow Tyann to have a voice and presence in the family.

Mummy G is likely to be pretty laid-back and flexible with Tyann, sometimes to the point of being relatively "hands-off" with regards to the day-to-day issues.

Mummy G likely to count on her spouse (Daddy G-oh dear, who to provide the structures now??) for providing structure and schedules. Since she does not live in an overly structured or organized manner, she is not likely to expect or create this environment for Tyann.

If Daddy G is not someone with the "J" preference, Tyann may suffer from a lack of boundaries. This is something Mummy G should pay special attention to. Lil' Growing Tyann does not know Right from Wrong, and will so benefit from having her parents define these boundaries for her.

In spite of her relatively unstructured approach to parenting, Mummy G takes her role as parent very seriously, and is likely to put forth much effort into doing what she feels will be most effective in helping Tyann grow into an independent, wise adult. Mummy G will enjoy parenting, and will get a lot of fun out of Tyann. She is also likely to be a very proud and loyal parent.

Mummy G may have a problem meeting the emotional needs of Tyann. Although she is generally a deeply caring and supportive person, Mummy G does not always pick up on emotional clues. A troubled Tyann of an unaware Mummy G may have to result to drastic "attention-getting" tactics to get Mummy G to understand her emotional difficulties.

If Mummy G finds herself in this situation, she may find that expressing some of her own emotions will do wonders for Tyann, herself, and their relationship. Although it may not be possible for Mummy G to suddenly be "tuned in" on what Tyann would be feeling, at least she can let her know that she cares.

Tyann will likely remember Mummy G respectfully and affectionately as a loyal, fair, and tolerant Mummy, who cares for her a great deal, although she don't often show it.
Sometimes we do not understand our parents and do not understand why they think, behave or react in certain ways. As Mummy G went through the above exercise, a strange epiphany came over me and suddenly I realised how misunderstood Mummy G's own parents must have felt when Mummy G could not agree with them.

So, let this be a guiding light for all in the House of Gs.

For Daddy and Mummy G, it will serve as a constant reminder of areas to watch out for and do better so as to help lil' Tyann grow up to be a fine, happy and wholesome lady.

For lil' Tyann, this will serve as a constant guide for you. As you grow older and start to question why Daddy or Mummy G are making certain- perhaps unagreeable decisions, may you always refer to this guide to understand our unspoken intents,words, feelings and love for you-however we may, or may not, have expressed them.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A time to remember

Lil' Tyann

Been a few days since Mummy G spoke to you and your kicks are getting harder and harder. Well done lil' one, it just shows you are getting stronger by the day! =)

Mummy and Daddy G have moved on to prepare ourselves for you to join us in the House of Gs, sometime in October (please come out earlier so Mummy G can earlier embark on her slimming program! Hahaha!)

Mummy G had been thinking about the day you come out of me. Aunty Gym Lynda told Mummy G over our last Makansutra session that the best thing I can ever do for myself is to have a natural birth with no painkillers, drugs, epidurals whatsoever.

Aunty Gym Lynda, who has given birth to a few children this way, described the pain as undescribably painful. However, she has never regretted going au natural. She told Mummy G that the moment the baby slid out of her, she felt a rush of emotions that she had never felt in her life. At that moment, she forgot all the pain that she had gone through and she knew that she knew- she loved this child deeply, beyond the depths of her heart.

A few seconds of emotions, but enough to last her a lifetime.

When her baby cried, she remembered that moment her baby came forth her. When her child fell ill, she rememebered that moment her baby came forth her. When her toddler got on her nerves, she remembered the moment her baby came forth her. When her child was rude to her, hurt and disappointed her, she remembered the moment her baby came forth her.

And with this remembrance, she found strength to overcome difficult times, patience to care and capacity to forgive.

Mummy G had a pretty "depressing" weekend when I witnessed some very difficult children and family ties. Those scenes made Mummy G stop in her tracks of her excitement in anticipating baby Tyann. Those scenes made Mummy G waver and wonder what if:

a) What if Mummy G failed to care for lil' Tyann the way she ought to be cared for?
b) What if Mummy G failed to discipline lil' Tyann when she needed to be?
c) What if Mummy G failed to provide lil' Tyann the best display of love?

i) What if lil' Tyann was rude to Mummy G?
ii)What if lil' Tyann would become unruly?
iii)What if lil' Tyann would not behave the way Daddy and Mummy G would wish she would?

And to all of the above questions, Mummy G suddenly remembered what Uncle Dentist Philip Goh told her.

Uncle Dentist told Mummy G that the reason God gives us children, is not to let us relish in how the child will behave, look, or become. It is not about expecting our children to be who we want them to be.

God gives us children to teach us about unconditional love. This means:
a) What if Mummy G failed to care for lil' Tyann the way she ought to be cared for?
Mummy G would remember the moment her baby came forth her.
b) What if Mummy G failed to discipline lil' Tyann when she needed to be?
Mummy G would remember the moment her baby came forth her.
c) What if Mummy G failed to provide lil' Tyann the best display of love?
Mummy G would remember the moment her baby came forth her.

i) What if lil' Tyann was rude to Mummy G?
Mummy G would remember the moment her baby came forth her.
ii) What if lil' Tyann would become unruly?
Mummy G would remember the moment her baby came forth her.
iii) What if lil' Tyann would not behave the way Daddy and Mummy G would wish she would?
Mummy G would remember the moment her baby came forth her.

Hence Mummy G will try her utmost to heed Aunty Gym Lynda's advice-to go for an au natural birth with no pain relief.

For Mummy G believes what will carry her through the years of her life with lil' Tyann is by remembering the moment her baby came forth her.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Love. Do you smell it in the air?

Lil' Tyann,

I have to introduce someone who is very special in Daddy and Mummy G's lives to you. This someone, is someone who is going to be very important to lil' Tyann, apart from Daddy & Mummy G. In fact, I will say that she is as important as Daddy & Mummy G will be to you. (almost...)

This someone was the one who saw Mummy G is her "darkest" moments of her life and was there for Mummy G when she needed someone.

This someone was the one who played a huge role in coordinating Daddy and Mummy G's wedding. (So she is very instrumental to your presence in this world! ;D).

This someone is your Godma Ling.

Daddy and Mummy G have been extremely blessed to have Godma Ling in our lives. When she heard that Mummy G was having you in her tummy, she immediately decided that she was going to be your Godma! And Godma Ling does not take in Godchildren easily. Nope she does not. Your Godma Ling is very selective! In fact, Godma Ling never had any desire to have any Godchildren until that moment Mummy G told her I was having you. ( I guess you, lil Tyann, managed to spark off maternal instincts in TWO women!! Whao!)

Yesterday, Mummy G consulted Godma Ling on your chinese name. Godma Ling is a Mandarin Guru (now you know who to go to to learn your second language!) whereas Daddy and Mummy G are ermm... put it this way-unpolished in the language! =D

Mummy G was extremely touched by Godma Ling. Her enthusiasm in picking the best chinese name for you brought a surge of warmth to Mummy G's heart.;)

Godma Ling even went to the extent of helping you to find a Chinese (astrology?) website which can tell us if the number of strokes in each character of your potential name will give you a good life in future. The website was ALL in chinese (wouldn't have made a difference if it was Greek..hehe..) and Godma Ling told mummy (insinuating I "really cannot make it" in my Mandarin.keke) she will take care of ensuring you have the best possible chinese name.

And just like almost anything in this world that falls into Godma Ling's magical hands, lil' Tyann will be assured that Godma Ling will do a perfect job of finding the best chinese characters for your name. ;D

Lil' Tyann, this is love. Smell it. It's in the air.

Today your Mui Ngee Yiyi asked me when is Mummy G's next check up at Doctor Fong's. She wanted to go to Dr Fong's with Daddy & Mummy G for our next meeting with you because she wanted introduce herself to you as well (plus a free lunch at PS Cafe? Ha ha).

Lil' Tyann's Yi yi wanted to see how you look like because she is so excited that you are coming to this world in just a few months' time. She wanted to see her lil' niece Tyann happily kicking, somersaulting and practising "yoga" in Mummy G's tummy. So remember to wave hello to your Yiyi when you see her next week! =)

Talented Yiyi wrote and sang a very touching song as a wedding gift for Daddy & Mummy G. It was a song that brought tears to Mummy G's eyes when she heard it. The tears came neither due to the soothing melody nor meaningful lyrics. The tears came merely because it was a song for Daddy & Mummy G written by your Yiyi.

Lil' Tyann, this is love. Smell it. It's in the air.

Mummy G is home alone with Tyann today. Daddy G has gone travelling again. Oh, speaking of which, you may not get to see Daddy G much during weekdays in the future because he travels a lot for work and has been doing so for the past 7-8 years since he started working. Mummy G is very used to it.

Daddy G will usually be back by Fridays.

Come Fridays, Mummy G will always take our "Big Uncle Black Tucson" to the airport to meet Daddy G. In future, Mummy G will take BOTH "Big Uncle Black Tucson" and lil' Tyann to the airport to meet our Daddy G at the airport when he comes home from his overseas trips. You will love the airport lil' Tyann and I know you will be beaming with excitement the moment you see Daddy G walk out from the Arrival gate. (with a present for you each time I BETCHA!! HAAA...)

This time Daddy G has gone to Phuket (there for work??) for a company meeting (plus suntanning, eating, island hopping!!!)after about three weeks of not travelling.

Funny thing is, much as Mummy G is used to Daddy G's travels, the House of Gs feels funny tonight-as though something is missing. Don't you think lil' Tyann?

Even though the TV is switched on and Mummy G is talking to you right now, something feels missing isn't it?

The house of Gs is missing Daddy G tonight.

The TV is on, but there is no one (slouched) at the sofa watching it.

There are sounds (coming from the TV) in the house but its not the familiar NAGGING.

Daddy G dropped Mummy G an sms and said lil' Tyann must be missing his voice. I told him Lil' Tyann and I are both missing him already. You gave Mummy G a kick just as I was composing the sms as though in agreement. ;)

Tonight, Mummy G will have to sleep without the comforting touch of Daddy G's hands on Mummy G's tummy. Lil' Tyann will have to sleep without the familiar warmth of Daddy G's "talking" hands, where Daddy G speaks to you thru them.

But Lil' Tyann, this is love. Smell it. It's in the air.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Babies Galore @ Margate!

Lil' Tyann,
Mummy G will just have a short chat with you tonight (if you don't mind!) because:

1) Tomorrow is Monday and Mummy G has to work.

Daddy G says we will save money on petrol if I were to drive him to work instead of vice versa as the latter makes our "Big Black Uncle Tucson" go on a merry go round the island every morning.
(You may have already guessed..Yes spot on! Daddy G was complaning again and this time about the rising petrol costs..rah rah rah:D)

So we have to wake up earlier tomorrow so I can get to work on time....

2) Daddy G is sitting on the bed beside Mummy G now, also on his computer and indulging in his favourite hobby-playing with his "House of Gs 5-year savings plan excel sheet".
Soon he will be done and will start nagging Mummy G, "Sleep, sleep, sleep! Lil' Tyann needs to sleep" (You are just Daddy G's darling I tell you!)
Anyway, long-winded Mummy G shall now cut to the chase.
Topic of the night: Babies galore @ Margate yesterday evening!

A night of Open Kitchen @ Margate, Daddy G's group of good friends from University and their spouses and their family. By Family, I mean BABIES. Many many babies (8 of them to be exact- 6 in the world, 2 in tummies) in the House of Gs on Saturday evening!

We had:
1) By Uncle Kelvin and Aunty April- Ian (oh, so not a baby anymore) "gor gor" with his baby sister Chloe. (Don't mix this Chloe up with your cousin Chloe! The two Chloes are only 3 days apart!)
2) By Uncle Adrian & Aunty Serene- Baby Jerry (very cute & good-looking eurasian looking boy) with a "mei mei" for you to play with in Aunty Serene's tummy.
3) By Uncle Alan & Aunty Cindy-Baby Darius (very sporty-potential sportsman!)
4) By Uncle John and Aunty Xuiling- Baby Keane (very cheerful and bright-eyed!)
5) By Uncle Phua and Aunty Meiting- Latest addition: Stylo-Mylo Kyson
Ok and of course...
6) By Daddy and Mummy G- Soon to be addition: Our precious princess Tyann! (How will we forget you? Ha ha ha!)
Unfortunately, Mummy G forgot to take any photos of your soon-to-be friends although I reminded myself so many times to remember! (sigh must be the effect of having you inside my tummy-starting to make me forgetful! Are you taking in my grey cells as well? Hmm....)

However, what Mummy G did remember to take photos of- Food Glorious Food! Presenting to you..Menu for the night:

Appetiser: Mexican Cheesy Nachos with Chilli Beef

Before: Ingredients on the table...

Preparation: Before the oven...After: Ta-da! The final product!

a) Whole White Snapper baked in Sea-Salt Crust

Fresh out from the oven! (forgot to take pictures when the salt crust is knocked off!)

b) Roasted Garlic Chicken with herbs

Making a second appearance @ Margate by popular demand of Daddy G!

Veggies: Warm Brussel Sprouts Salad
Tedious preparation with thanks to Daddy G!

Handmade Croutons baking in the oven...
The Final Product!
Carbs: Spaghetti with Japanese Cod Roe Sauce

Staple for the night...

Dessert: Baked rice pudding

Rice Pudding baking in the oven...

Final Product-sans a tablespoon full of it due to taste test by Mummy & Daddy G! Haha!

Rice pudding before they were served...

It was an afternoon of fun in our Fire-engine red kitchen. Mummy G had loads of cooking therapy. Hee hee!

Daddy G did Mummy G a great favour by helping to shred the Brussel Sprouts-all 45 of them! Its hard work I tell you...

Firstly you have to peel off the top leaves to discard. Second, you've got to peel the tender leaves off the sprouts, leaf by leaf. Lastly, you need to thinly slice the heart of the sprouts.

Certainly a test of patience for Daddy G! When he was done with less than 5-6 of the Brussel Sprouts, he complained (yes...again...) to Mummy G." Why must you choose this recipe ah? Can't you use other vegetables???? Blah blah blah" and started to get distracted by (you guessed it!) the TV....

A very "impatient" Daddy G who could not wait to finish his task to watch TV...(taken secretly off the mirror reflection! HA HA HA!)

I'm sure Lil' Tyann will agree with Mummy G this is good training for Daddy G isn't it? +)) This is but just a teaser to what is to come when you finally stay with us @ Margate in about 3.5 months time! +D (feeding, changing you and cleaning up after your poopies, rocking you to sleep,, getting up in the night...)

Nope, Daddy G's not going to get away with that if he is thinking of it! HAHA! Everyone in the House of Gs is very generous and shares everything. And that includes sharing the housework and tasks.

Don't start sniggering lil' one...Daddy & Mummy G will also share them generously with you when you are older! HA HA!)

Daddy G's saw the fruit of his labour when the plate of Warm Brussel Sprouts salad was wiped out by our guests that night! In fact, there were almost no leftovers for the night except for some spaghetti! Now this is what I call- Satisfaction. ;)

How it looked on the dining table...The whole works...almost.

To be honest, I have to give Daddy G's nagging major credit for having no leftovers for the night. Hee hee.... He was nagging the whole week long prior to the event," Enough, enough, don't cook so much! Enough, enough, don't buy so many!" (etc, etc, etc...) Daddy G was so proud of his efforts and skill at portion estimation that night!

It was a wonderful night of conversation, eating and laughter (interspersed with the crying of babies! ha..)

The House of Gs had never seen so many babies under one roof before. It was a weird feeling for Mummy G as she does not have many friends (apart from this group) with children.

Yes..weird. Mummy G thinks it is so weird that soon, she will be discussing about breastfeeding, brand of breast pumps and other baby topics like your the uncles and aunties.

Mummy G could not help but admire all the mummies and daddies who came to our place that night. The dedication, enthusiasm about their lil' ones and unconditional sacrifice for their lil' ones.

What kind of mummy will Mummy G be to our lil' Tyann?

Mummy G cannot help but ask myself this question almost everyday. Some parts of me get intimidated and fear I will disappoint, some parts of me are so excited and have planned for so many fun things we could do together with our lil Tyann to help her grow up to be a fine lady...

Perhaps, on this topic, Mummy G should really learn from our Daddy G. He does not think or worry so much like Mummy G.

But one thing I know he is so certain of:-He will Love and will Love you singlemindedly with his whole heart.

And this, lil Tyann, is your Daddy G.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Do you dare to (pursue your) dream?

Lil' Tyann,

Last night was the first night Mummy G felt you kick really hard in my tummy. Before that, your kicks were like fluttering butterflies, gone before I could really decipher them. Mummy G even saw her tummy move last night! A quick rippling across my tummy like a darting fish in a pond.

Daddy G was very excited and wanted to have a taste of your kicks too. You must be a lil' cheeky fella- playing tricks on your Daddy G and teasing him (just like what Mummy G likes to do. Haha...a tough time ahead for our Daddy G with the two of us in the game soon!=D).

When Daddy G laid his hand on Mummy 's tummy, you went all silent, as though you were not there. Once he moved his hand away, you would promptly give Mummy G a hard, strong kick!

Did you sense our Daddy G's disappointment? For when Daddy G made his last ditched effort to feel you, you gave Mummy G one kick, just one kick that seemed to be telling Daddy G, yes you are there and you know he is there too. And Daddy G felt you for the very first time last night!

And like all good things that you cannot have too much of, you gave Daddy G that one and only kick. You must have known that would leave him hoping for more! (and of course they never came. Not while his hand was on my tummy anyway! Hah, Boo!)

Our lil' Tyann seems to be a little nocturnal owl and most active at night (and right before Mummy G's bedtime! Tsk tsk tsk..sleep when you are supposed to little one, don't follow your Mummy G who is born an owl. I see sleepless nights ahead of me? Hmm....)

Sometimes in the day, when you are not kicking so much, Mummy G thinks you must be sleeping. Lil' Tyann, do you dream in your sleep? What do you dream?

Mummy G used to have dreams. I have dreams which are still so vivid in my mind.

When I was young, I dreamt to be a sportsperson. (You would know by now how much Mummy G adores sports and exercise, having followed me to the gym and spinning classes for the past 2.5 months.=D) I dreamt of representing our country in netball, in track & field, in cross country races. The dream almost happened but when obstacles came (due to Mummy G's principal's objections for fear of falling grades affecting the stupid ranking of her school..sigh), Mummy G had to give it up.

When Mummy G was older, she decided she liked to write and she liked communications. So, in spite of your gong gong's and jiu jiu's objections, Mummy G went ahead to pursue a degree in communications, in hope of becoming a journalist or video producer one day. Again, the dream almost happpened, for Mummy G took to the course like fish to water and breezed through her university days.

However, when Mummy G reached the crossroad of having to make a decision on her career, she decided to take "practical" advice (can't earn money being a journalist or producer they say) and to take one of the most common route, a Marketing career instead of following her dream.

Then when Mummy G was even older, she dreamt of starting her own business, be her own boss, grow her own brand. Again, for some reasons, the dream never came to pass.

Today, Mummy G is still in a Marketing job, neither hating nor loving it. Neither passionate or impassionate. Dreams like what Mummy G described never presented themselves to me again.

Maybe the dreams got tired-Got tired of telling Mummy G so many times the route she should be taking, yet getting disappointed by her time and again when she strays.

When do you know a dream is not merely a dream, but a path to reality?
1) When you feel that quickening in your heart and lighthearted skips in your steps as you pursue that route you dream of.
2) When you keep late nights or go through difficulties as you pursue that route but still feel happy as a lark.

I feel happy to see your Yi Yi (Mui Ngee Yi Yi) happily pursuing her dream today.

Like what Mummy G experienced when she had her dreams, Yi Yi's dream of songwriting and composing was met with many objections and negative comments all round. I am so proud that she has pushed ahead to pursue her dream so she will not look back nor regret in future.

She practises till 2-3am in the morning these days with no complaints. I see sparkles in her eyes, passion in her heart with her music pursuits. She has dared to take the road less travelled to pursue her dream, that one try so she would have no regrets in her life.

Daddy G is a pragmatic guy. He thinks dreams are a waste of time. He always says a job is a job and a job ain't a job if it doesn't bring in the dough and that's all there is to a job- The Dough. (haha, a little tongue twister there!)

Mummy G thinks this is mostly very true, but a guy being a guy will be practical, with "no nonsense" typically, while girls tend to be more complex (emotional, more passionate typically). Girls need to be filled emotionally so as to feel whole, to feel complete.

I guess this is something that Daddy G will never understand (I will be in trouble if he does, if you get my drift..hahhahaa!) but something Mummy G will deeply understand about our lil' Tyann in future.

Hold it. As Mummy G is writing this, I am feeling that familiar sense of excitement bubbling from within. A feeling that feels like a long-lost friend. Is that a dream coming to Mummy G?

It is a dream alright.

In this dream, Mummy G dreamt that you lil' Tyann, will be a courageous girl who will dare to dream and pursue your dreams.

This dream, Mummy G will not let go.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

In sickness and in health....

Lil' Tyann,

Today: 24 June 2008

Exactly one year from the day Daddy and Mummy G got married. Yes, today marks our FIRST year wedding anniversary. It was on 24 June 2007 that Daddy and Mummy G could "legally/officially"have you and people won't say a thing. hahaha! (Now, don't ask me what this means. Not yet. ;D)

Mummy G was looking forward to this day as I was wondering what Daddy G might have up his sleeve to celebrate this significant occasion.

Remember I was telling you about Daddy G's cough and sore throat? Well, it had progressed significantly indeed-to a runny nose, very itchy throat and dry cough.

On 24 June 2008-today, Daddy G was given 2 days MC by the doctor to rest at home...stricken with such an itchy throat that he starts coughing the moment he opens his mouth to speak.

However, we were still adamant that we will have a small celebration tonight with a good dinner at a fine restaurant. In spite of his incessant coughing, Daddy G still booked us for dinner tonight at an interesting restaurant- Novus @ the National Museum. (Isn't he sweet;p)

Who would imagine that on 24 June 2008-Today, Mummy suddenly got very bad diahorrea in the office and was also given MC by the doctor to rest at home...

So this was how we spent our first year wedding anniversary:

2pm- Both of us came back from work on MC, looked at each other and thought we were so pathetic. Daddy G pointed at the vase of roses (which had been there since Saturday) on our TV console and said those were for me for our anniversary. (very romantic indeed!)

Roses that Daddy G bought for Relative's recycled to be my wedding anniversary gift...Bleh....

3pm- Sleeping. Daddy G nursing his bad cough. Mummy G nursing her bad tummy.

7.45pm-Decided we must still make it for the dinner. By hook or by crook.

So we changed and made our way in silence (because Daddy G would start his wretched coughs the moment he starts to talk..and Mummy G was feeling very tired from all the LSing in the day and still feeling queasy..) to Novus @ National Museum (Mummy G told you we would bring you to visit the museum when you are older).

Check this out! An androgynous (and Humongous) remake of Michelangelo's "David"!

It was not easy ordering the food.

Daddy and Mummy G were so tempted by the recommended Degustation menu for the night. However, Mummy G cannot take the heavenly Foie Gras and Carpaccio (as you will LS, hahaha-no raw food while having you!) and Daddy G cannot take any desserts. So we did the Ala Carte. No wine for us too as Mummy G can't make you drunk while the wine will give Daddy G phlegm..

Toast of the night: two cups of hot plain water! (pathetic is THE word..)

Food and service were good (Still think it is the best at Iggy's!). Daddy G and Mummy G tried to make it more "significant" by taking one photo together to commemorate the night.

Left-Daddy G; Right-Mummy G. Obviously. (Think this is a better picture than that stupid article Last Sunday. Stupid photographer..grrrr..)

Overall, a very "memorable" first year wedding anniversary. Certainly (like Aunty Gym Emily said) made me remember our vows "in sickness and in health..." Ha!

Daddy G asked me where his gift was-I actually didn't buy a gift for him on purpose because I told him that his gift is right here with us-Kicking away in Mummy G's tummy.

Yes, You, lil' Tyann-Our First Year Wedding Anniversary gift.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Relatives' night @ Margate!

Lil' Tyann,

The House of Gs finally held its inaugural event today-Relatives Night @ Margate! (Daddy G's relatives, your Grandma, Grandpa, Gu-Gu, Gu Zhang, Cousins David & Jonathon and a whole host of Grand aunties and uncles, with their family!)

Its been almost a month since Daddy and Mummy G shifted to our wonderful haven @ Margate (your future home!;D) and Daddy G decided it was time to invite the relations over. So tonight was THE night to host them. Mummy G was looking forward to the event as it also signified the "grand opening" of her new, swanky, "Fire-engine" red kitchen!;)

When Mummy G gets passionate about something, she usually gets VERY passionate. Cooking, incidently, is Mummy G's next most passionate thing after Exercising.

(Okay okay, Daddy G and you, lil' Tyann come before the exercising! haha!) Cooking, to Mummy G, is pure therapy, It does wonders to the mind and soul. It stimulates creativity, yet nutures patience as each dish gets created from scratch.

Mummy G loses herself momentarily while immersed in this wonderful world of sights, smells and flavours. I get an almost insane satisfaction from experimenting, going wild and putting all sorts of ingredients together to transform into that marvellous masterpiece.

I am already imagining my plans to introduce you to this world too! Scenes when you are old enough to create little simple dishes, helping Mummy G out in our red kitchen, both of us having so much fun making little brownies and cookies. I imagine you running excitedly to Daddy G when he comes home from work to let him try your new creations, and imagine the exuberant look on your delighted faces.;)

Back to Relatives Night.. Daddy G always complains I cook too much food. ("Too much, too much cannot finish. So wasteful!" He always nags...Sigh) This time, he insisted that I, the Chief Cook/Chef of the House of Gs, send him the menu for approval! Fine, so be it! (That's what happens when you are not the Finance Minister..) So I went about planning the menu, organizing the shopping list and planning my cooking schedule.

With the approved menu and shopping list (hmph!!), Daddy G and Mummy G went shopping and Daddy G nagged again that Mummy G overspent on his budget.. (sigh what a naggy Daddy...can't wait for you to be out so you can share the nags with Mummy G...hahaha=p)

And the preparations began.

On Thursday night, Mummy G baked the Peanut Butter Brownies.

But on Friday Night (night before the event), this was what happened..:

Mummy G wanted to prepare and marinate the Roast Chickens and Roasted Herbed Vegetables the night before. So Mummy G excitedly appointed an apprentice to help me with the preparations-a very reluctant Daddy G. Look what Mummy G found him doing when he was supposed to be cutting the pumpkins...

Skiving comfortably in front of the TV...

FINALLY, the time has come for my turn to NAG!! Because all apprentices have to listen to their chef, isn't it? +D. And so my reluctant apprentice came back to the kitchen...

To work on the pumpkins and wreck his brains over the sweet potatoes...

Just as Mummy G's back was turned working on these excellent roasted garlics....
Daddy G let out a yelp. Startled I turned around to find him holding on to a bloody index finger! Daddy G had cut his index finger when I instructed him to cut the sweet potatoes!! Mummy G gave Daddy G some ice to stop the bleeding which was by now flowing like river and Daddy G sauntered off pale and disoriented to his little corner....

in front of the TV...this time swaddled in blankets...Awwww.....

Daddy G suddenly felt faint from losing too much blood from his index finger and decided to take MC for the night.....So Mummy G was left without her apprentice and had to finish off the rest of the work (chopping, marinating, cleaning, wiping, clearing up...) all by her lonely self..

But it was all worth the effort as Relatives Night was a successful one. Here's a look at some of Mummy G's creations just now...

(Top) Cheesy Baby Potatoes baked with Bacon & Chives

(Bottom) Roasted Vegatables with Baby Spinach & Feta Cheese (roasted veggies all covered by the baby spinach in this angle!)

(Top) Swedish Meatballs

(Bottom) Roasted Garlic Chicken

Prawn & Avocado Salad with Mango on Arugula

How it looked like on the dining table...

It was a night of great food and get-together. Lil' Tyann's relations commented they enjoyed the food. Nothing can please a cook/chef more than seeing how her creations have been enjoyed by her guests!=))

Daddy G's nagging sore throat and cough seemed to have gotten worse after he got his finger cut on Friday night. He lost his voice after Relative's night. Mummy G made him a Lemon & Manuka Honey drink and he promptly went to bed after the drink.

Its now 3.26am in the morning. Mummy G is sitting in the Dining Room @ Margate talking to you while Daddy G is already in bed. I can hear Daddy G wheezing and coughing away every few minutes.

Out of nowhere, a weird sense of responsibility washes over me. It is probably the realisation that I will soon have two of you to care for.

A strange and foreign feeling...

Yet it seems to bubble with some sort of excitement that I can't quite make out of.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Que Sera Sera. What will be, will be...

Hey lil' G!

How's life in the tummy? Mummy G's missing you already! I mean I am missing looking at you via the ultra-sound scans!:D

Next time we meet again will be at Dr Fong's on 12 July. Mummy & Daddy G are so looking forward to that day to see how big you have grown. By then you will be 24 weeks old (6 months, 3 plus months more to go!) in Mummy G's tummy! (oh by the way congratulations lil' G, you are exactly 21 weeks old today!)

At every visit to Dr Fong's, Daddy & Mummy G look forward to chilling out at the PS Cafe below Dr Fong's clinic @ Paragon. The Turkey & Cranberry sandwich, Tofu Salad & desserts there ROCK!! Okay...we will bring you there to chill with us when you are out of Mummy G's tummy. Unfortunately, it will be a loooong time before you can enjoy the food! Stick with the milk babe! In the meantime, you can oogle and salivate (literally!) at Daddy & Mummy G's delicious food! (Bad..Bad...Mummy G!)

Speaking of Dr Fong, I think he must think Mummy G is one of his most rebellious patients yet. Because I am always whining about how he does not allow me to exercise and asking him questions like why Charlotte (of Sex and the City) could run while pregnant while I can't.. ;(

He believes that I should just sit and do nothing while I believe that you would love some exercise (Oops! Sorry to quote you, hahaha). And so, because my lil' Tyann is going to be a sports lover like her Mummy G, Mummy G decided to head right back to her exercise regime right after the 12th week of conceiving you. ;)

Don't you love Uncle Straight-faced Martin's spinning class? I think you love it as you always kick me when Mummy G's spinning on the bike as though you are bobbing your tiny head to the rhythm of the music! =D

I am sure you are getting a good work out as well as I get so unbearable hungry halfway through each class. I didn't feel like that before, so it must be you burning the calories and getting hungry no? ;) (actually, that's my excuse to eat. haha)

Daddy G often says he thinks I am torturing you because: 1) I spin and spin and make "his baby hungry"; 2) I sleep too late and so "his baby can't get her beauty sleep"; 3) I eat too much chilli padis and am "burning his baby". (Bleh....look who he is siding already, you blessed one!)

Aunty Gym Jojo Sinclair (She was a very famous Singaporean female bodybuilder in the 1990s! Here's a piece of history lesson for you lil' one!) thinks our lil' Tyann will be a healthy and sporty gal because Mummy G is exercising so much while expecting you.

Aunty Gym Emily (one of Mummy G's BFFs) thinks you will be a lil' rockafella because you would have listened to so much of Uncle Straight-faced Martin's "Headbanging techno spin music" while in Mummy G's tummy. Hee hee! :)

Lil' Tyann's 舅舅 & 舅母 think I should listen to the Mozart Effect's Music for Babies because those who listen to the brilliant Mozart will also be brilliant children. Of course Mummy G wants lil' Tyann to be a brilliant girl, so she bought two of the CDs from the Series. (Currently one CD has deteriorated to the state of becoming Daddy and Mummy G's "rarely-listened to lullaby CD" in the car while the other is left unopen and chucked somewhere when we shifted to Margate. Heh. Heh. Heh.)

Mummy G's colleagues think that Mummy G should stop drinking cold water and very "liang" food as it may cause you to have asthma. (but....Babycentre and Dr Fong didn't tell mummy G that? Hmmm....)

Lil' Tyann's 婆婆 says she thinks Mummy G should not take Barley, black fungus and a whole host of other food while your other 婆婆 says no crabs, prawns, rojak, ginseng, kangkong and a whole host of other food because your skin will not be smooth. (Neither did Babycentre nor Dr Fong tell Mummy G that...)

Lil's Tyann, do you want to know what Mummy G thinks?

Mummy G ( and of course Daddy G will agree too. He'd better! :D ) thinks that Lil' Tyann will be a fine baby when she is born, a fine lady as she grows up. Even if Mummy G (for some reason or other) fails to try to heed the advice of the kindhearted folks around her (the keyword is TRY), she still strongly believes that you, lil' Tyann Sera Goh will turn out perfect- just the way you are.

Mummy G thought of a childhood song while on this topic.

There are many things about Tyann that Mummy G will be prone to worry about- now, in the future and probably for the rest of Mummy G's life. Will you be healthy, will you be smart and here's what this song said to me (Pun unintended!),

"Que Sera Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera Sera"

Indeed, the House of Gs will just take whatever comes along our way with a good measure of faith and laughter and Mummy G believes everything will work out for us in its own best way.


God is in the house.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

(mis)Adventures. Just one of Life's little things...

Lil' Tyann,

Mummy's just got to tell you about the most recent adventure we had with the selection of your stroller. (rather, it was a total MISadventure!!)

Mummy admits she is a high spender. She will spend the dough on items that she really think are "worth" spending on (like cosmetics, jeans, toiletries..mummy's favourite shopping items). When it comes to your stuff, of course I want the BEST. The BEST for my lil' Tyann! ;)

So when it came to your stroller (yes kiasu mummy is already searching for your stroller), it HAD to be the BEST. The best features, functions and DESIGN (I am a sucker for aesthetics). And it boiled down to the Bugaboo Chameleon

or the Stokke Xplory....

Of course, these would come with a price tag (as always..) and an HUGE one at that!

Daddy Goh was appalled when he heard that one of those strollers will cost approximately S$1600-1800. Of course, in his normal naggy fashion, strongly objected in parting with his precious dollars on a stroller. ;((

Mummy G decided to be very heroic and proudly told a gleeful Daddy G its OK (grrrr...) if he does not want to pay, as I, Mummy G, will pay for the stroller! (Unread fineprint: He can pay for all the rest of the items we need to get for you..hehe!:D)

In my normal fashion of "trying" to be resourceful, I scoured the internet for cheap online buys. To my most pleasant surprise, I found someone selling a brand NEW Stokke Xplory on eBay. I put in my bid at only US$730 (S$1008). What's more, its a Complete set which comes with the carry cot! It would cost me more than S$2000 to get a brand new set with an additional carry cot from the stores!

Mr eBay seller sent me an email last night and told me he was ready to close the deal at the price I had bidded and mummy was so excited she told Aunty Serene (who stays in Shanghai) over Skype immediately. Aunty Serene must have been appalled at my "kiasuness" and sheepishly "congratulated" me on my wonderful buy.

My eBay seller then told me to wire cash of US$730 to him via Western Union and sent me an email with an eBay insurance (a guarantee of sorts). At this point, Daddy G came to "kaypoh" at what I was so excited about and told me to check the eBay website to see if wiring cash is the approved method of payment by eBay. (Just like Daddy G to be sooooo meticulous about everything. What will I be without him??)

The eBay website had this safety reminder for secure online purchases,"Pay safely online by never using instant cash transfer services such as Western Union or MoneyGram International to pay for your eBay purchases."

Uh-oh...did we smell a fish....I emailed Mr eBay Seller on my concern and also emailed the eBay customer service on my concern of cash transfer.

Here is what eBay customer service replied," I want to let you know that eBay strongly discourages this form of payment as it is untraceable, and eBay will provide no protection for any transaction that is paid via instant wire transfer or any transaction completed outside of eBay."

SOB!!!What a let-down!! =(

I was nearly conned by Mr eBay seller!! The eBay insurance was a fake! I emailed Mr eBay seller and told him I want to pay by the secure Paypal.

This was the last correspondence with Mr eBay seller and the last mummy G heard from him.

Morals of the story:
1) Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
2) No such thing as a free lunch in this world.

Lil' Tyann, as Daddy G will always tell you,


Our Lil' Tyann Sera Goh! =D

One whole month of prayers. 4 weeks of agonizing wait. Daddy and Mummy were so excited to see how our lil' one had grown in the past month. Mummy, especially, was excited, yet fearful. Thoughts of the dreaded ABS would sometimes overwhelm me although I would tell myself God is in control and He will see you through!

Finally! 5 months detailed scan last Thursday! The first thing Mummy wanted to know (heart beating faster..) was how the Amniotic Band was doing and whether you are still doing well...And I must tell you that Prayers really work! Ms Sonographer said the band had been pushed to one corner of the Amniotic sac. After measuring the band, she said its not a band, but an amniotic sheet. Most likely to be harmless to you!! =D

This felt like the best news that Mummy and Daddy had heard in years! And lil' one, you also played your part by telling us who you are! Finally we got to know if you are a lil' boy or gal. And you are our precious Daughter, Tyann Sera Goh!

  • Tyann: Follower of Christ
- May you be a strong and faithful follower of Christ, a great woman of God, blessed in your going in and out. May the blood of Jesus cover you wherever you are, whatever you do.

  • Sera: Princess (Sarah)

- Daddy Goh and Mummy Goh's little precious princess! Our little miracle child, gift from God to both of us. You will be the princess of our lives forever.

  • Goh: Daddy Goh's surname

- Can't do much about this I am afraid! haha! =D

Daddy and Mummy Goh are so excited to see this little Goh and hold you in our arms (Erm.. Mummy will have to learn how to carry you prior to that! =D) We cannot wait for the day you come into this world! For now, I guess we get our little satisfactions by seeing you playing and somersaulting in Mummy's womb during scans and feeling your lil' kicks when you are awake (Yes mummy can feel you kick already! Light ones but they are definitely there!)

Lil' Tyann, its only 4 more months. Grow well and be well our precious princess. Sera.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

First post dedicated to our precious TSG...

And this is my first post dedicated to my precious precious miracle baby TSG!

As of today, we still do not know if you are a boy or a girl, but you will always be our darling TSG, our miracle child who will always be loved by Daddy and Mummy.

We will see you again on Thursday, on the 20th week detailed scan and you will tell us if you are TSG or TSG right? (LOL=D)

We pray for you every night, everyday. We pray that the amniotic band ( in Mummy will not harm you. Mummy and Daddy love you very very much and we want you to know that we are so excited in your birth into this world! Each night we pray that God will walk before you, guide you in every movement in the womb, so you don't touch and get tangled in the band. We pray that you will be born perfectly healthy and normal and know you will be.

Lil' fighter, you will make it and we are behind you all the way! And Mummy here will be strong, will not get upset when she reads about other children who suffer from the ABS, but will remain strong in faith, be cheerful and happy to welcome you into this world. The House of Gs @ Margate is ready and waiting for you to fill it with your cheerful laughter, smiles, sights and smells....

Loving you always,
Mummy and Daddy