What a DRAMATIC trip to Melbourne we had...definitely a story that Daddy and Mummy G will remember, probably for the rest of their lives..
As you know, Daddy and Mummy G brought you (in the tummy) to Melbourne for our "last" holiday before you pop out from Mummy G's tummy..who would have expected the drama that unfolded in Melbourne...(expect graphic details....)
Thursday. 28 August 2008. 2.45pm Melboune time:
Mummy G decided to go to the toilet to ease herself of the damned constipation that she had been suffering from. Unfortunately, the stupid stool decided to get stuck in Mummy G's anus and caused Mummy G much agony. So Mummy G decided she had to get the stupid stool out. By hook or by crook. And so...she used all the strength she could muster...
4.00pm Melbourne time:
Still straining in the toilet....decided to give up but realised she could not stand up with that stool in the anus!! U-oh.....dieeee....Shouted for Daddy G to go to the pharmacy to buy Ecnema...the pump that you push up the anus to ease the constipation....
4.15pm Melbourne Time
Daddy G comes back with the Ecnema...Mummy G pumps the damn thing in her anus...to no avail...shucks..now what???
Mummy G decided to use all her might to stand up in spite of the terrible feeling of the stool stuck in her anus...
4.30pm Melboune Time
Mummy G groans in agony on the hotel bed and suddenly feels a gush of water flowing from her...goes to the toilet to check and realises her panties are all wet..double uh-oh....don't tell me the waterbag burst!!! and lil' Tyann is only 31 weeks!!
Daddy and Mummy G rush to the nearest Melbourne hospital, the Saint Vincent's Hospital.
At the hospital, the nurses and doctors says membranes may have been torn but told us they will need to ambulance us to the Royal Women's Hospital as they do not have any doctors specialised in the field of gynaecology in the hospital.
5.00pm Melboune Time
First ever ambulance ride for both Daddy and Mummy G....geez...Mummy G's mind is blank and only thinking about how that stupid stool stuck in her anus is hurting her...
5.15pm Melboune Time
Reaches Royal Women's Hospital. Gets wheeled into a DELIVERY SUITE!! OMG!!! "If lil' Tyann gets born here, will she become an Australian Citizen?" Mummy G wonders..haha...
6.30pm Melbourne Time
The doctor FINALLY arrives, and says he needs to insert some dumb speculum into Mummy G to get some swabs to do some tests to see what is happening...Mummy G is starting to hate this....
7.30pm Melbourne Time
Doctor finally reappears with the HUGE METAL SPECULUM. Gulp....that looks painful. And so the swabs were done with Mummy G yelling in pain...bleh....
8.30pm Melbourne Time
Damn doctors here seem to work in one-hour intervals... test results come back and announced to us by another doctor as the previous one was off duty. Says that there is some complication as test results show that Mummy G may have the possibility of going into labour within the next 7 days. HUH????
However, as lil' Tyann is only 31 weeks, her lungs are not yet matured enough to be born. So she told us we need two steroid injections, administered within 24 hours of each other, to help lil' Tyann's lungs to mature faster..in case she really gets born within the next 7 days...
Daddy G calls trusty ol' Dr Fong... and Dr Fong says that's an OK thing to do. So we agreed to take the steroid injections...
9.00pm Melbourne Time
Third doctor comes in and says we are not to leave Melbourne for at least 5 days and have to be hospitalised for the whole time!!! NOOOOOO!!! Daddy and Mummy G will not hear of it!!
We tell her we want to go back to Singapore the next day but the doc will not hear of it. She says we will get into trouble with the airline if Mummy G was to go into labour on the plane and lil' Tyann will not survive and the hospital will not be responsible..ya da ya da....She says we HAVE TO at least stay in Melboune until given the all clear even if we decide not to be hospitalised.
10.00pm Melboune time
We are still waiting for the damn injection so we can go back to our hotel....Daddy and Muumy G were so bored we decided to take some photos to commemorate the "special occasion"..

Staring at the TV screen (with no TV programs unless you pay) for about 7 hours...

Daddy G stoned out...

Mummy G looking at her IV tube stucked into her for nothing...sigh...
11.00pm Melbourne Time
Daddy G and Mummy G have no food and the nurses are NOT coming to give the jab. We want our dinner and to get outta here!! Grrrrr....Nurses have disappeared, so have the doctors...
12.00am Melbourne Time
Daddy G seeks out the nurses to COMPLAIN and they say "this is a busy night....". No time for a 30 second jab????
1.30am Melbourne Time
Finally!!! The nurse comes in with the jab. Sorry, the jab took probably 10 secs...We finally get to go back to our hotel.
30 August 2008
Daddy and Mummy G decided to "heck" the doctor's instructions to remain in Melbourne in case you decide to pop out. We went to the Qantas office early in the morning to change our flight to fly back on the same afternoon.
9.30pm Singapore Time
Back in Singapore safe and sound! No labour in the plane. Hahahha...Bleh to the Aussie Doctors! We are back in Singapore!!=))
31 August 2008
Daddy and Mummy G went to see Dr Fong today and went to the hospital for the second steroid jab. Daddy and Mummy G hope that lil' Tyann will not decide to pop out this week so that she can be a stronger girl when she comes out into the world..
BUT, at the very least, we think we have gotten ourselves pretty covered.. with the two steroid jabs, lil' Tyann's lungs should be able to withstand the harshness of the outside world should you pop this week. Otherwise, perhaps you will have "SUPER LUNGS" if you pop when you are 9-10 months old in Mummy G's tummy as you have been "steroided"..HAAAAAA..=D
What a story to go down memory lane for Daddy and Mummy G. Mummy G says lil' Tyann is a Drama queen in the making. Daddy G says the Drama Queen is Mummy G...how dramatic to go through this episode because of...CONSTIPATION!! (*embarrassing indeed..*)
But Lil' Tyann, do you know what the moral of the story is?
Always be prepared for the worst.
Buy Travel Insurance.