Lil' Tyann,
Its been more than a month since you came out from Mummy's tummy... 6 weeks to be exact and it has taken this long for Mummy G to put up her first post since your birth.

Tyann Sera Goh...finally a face to the name we thought of many months back when Mummy G was expecting you in my tummy. You are Daddy and Mummy G's pride and joy, our cutest superstar who makes Daddy and Mummy G so tired with sleepless nights.
Why do all weariness disappear when we look at you?
Tyann Sera Goh...the little terror who cries the house down when she is not in the warmth of someone's arms or when she is not given her milk. The little funny one who falls alseep listening to techno music instead of soothing lullabies. The little sleepyhead who is able to sleep wherever she goes, even in the most noisy places. The little messy one who spills milk all over her face and neck, poo over her little bum and legs.
Why do our hearts feel like they have melted in spite of your little antics?
Tyann Sera Goh...our precious darling daughter, Tyann Sera Goh (Wu Qi'en).Born 22 October 2008, 1229 hrs, finally brought safely to this world. Born to Daddy Vincent G and Mummy Sharon G as a precious precious gift from God.
Why are we so privileged to be chosen to be your parents?
Tyann Sera Goh...born to this world with two red birthmarks on each of your eyelids. The doctor said they are called "angel's kiss" and will go away in 2 years.
Mummy G thinks the day when you were due to be born to this earth, lil' Tyann's guardian angel, your guardian angel from heaven who had been looking after you in the 9+ months you were in Mummy G's womb, couldn't bear to part with lil' Tyann.
When it was time for lil' Tyann to come forth to this world, the guardian angel planted two kisses on each of lil' Tyann's eyelids
As she kissed each tiny eyelid, the guardian angel said to lil' Tyann,"Aunty Angel loves lil' Tyann. Go now lil' Tyann to be born into this world to your earthly Daddy and Mummy and when they see your eyelids, may they know that an angel had been guarding over their lil' Tyann all this while. And when they see your eyelids, may they know how to love you and guard you, the way I have loved and guarded you. The time has come and you must go now, lil' Tyann, to your Daddy and Mummy."
One might say that this is just Mummy G's imagination running on overdrive from lack of sleep.
But this is how Mummy G chooses to believe- that Tyann Sera Goh was born to us as a precious gift from God, an extension of his amazing grace to us. And your chinese name, Wu Qi'en, speaks of His over-abundant grace in your life and Daddy and Mummy G will remember His grace over our lives through you.