Lil' Tyann,
I am writing this in advance of your 1st birthday. I was planning to write something when we get closer to 22 Oct 09. However, while driving along the expressway this morning, I felt this sudden rush of emotions (aka inspiration!) and I just had to pen all these down before the feelings dissipate.
Lil' Tyann, you are ONE! Congratulations and good job! (You will go clap clap at this point and point your index finger in the air=D)
Mummy G has been very guilty of not blogging for almost the entire year since you came into my life. I can easily put the "blame" on you, that I simply cannot find the time, now that you are here and such a handful at that.
But Mummy G has to be honest- so as to teach you the right values. (haha) The honest answer is that even when I am free, I would surf the net, Facebook, try out new recipes, read etc but would put off writing to you "to another day."
I had wanted this blog to be constantly updated so that when you are older, able to read and write, you will be able to read the articles written on this blog dedicated to you. As you can see, you are now reading one blog post summarizing almost the entire 365 days of your first year in this world.
But Mummy G will take heart! It is never too late to (try to) start again! =))
The last 365 days in a nutshell (The not so good..)
1) Tough. Only one word to describe.
2) I had no idea how to care for a baby and had to do it mostly alone (as Daddy G travels a lot for work). My best friend is now www.babycentre.com.
3) I still feel sad when I see my friends or strangers surrounded with help from their immediate family members when they have a baby.
4) Suddenly my life is all about planning logistics, logistics, logistics. What time must I pick you from infantcare, what must I bring, what time to pump milk, where to pump milk, when can I go to gym for a workout.. to the extent of how to buy groceries and carry everything, including you, home.
5) I was forced to resign from my job because my boss was not happy that I had to work from home almost one week per month as that has been how often you have fallen ill.
6) I do not dare to go back to work again because the last job left too bitter a taste in the mouth.
The last 365 days in a nutshell (The good part!)
1) Each time I am faced with any challenges, I think of you and I find the strength to smile and move on.
2) Each time I feel saddened by the tribulations of life, I look at your innocent toothless smile and nothing really saddens me very much anymore.
3) Each time I feel pain (especially during those breastfeeding days), I see how well you are growing and I feel the pain no more.
4) Each time I feel all alone (especially when Daddy G is away..which is pretty often), I look at your peaceful sleeping face and wonder "what would I do without you?"
5) Each time I feel worn out, I see how your face brightens when you see me walk into the room at infant care, and I know I must be someone really special in your life.
6) Each time I feel discouraged, I see the new tricks you have learnt and feel inspired all over again.
7) Each time I feel worried, I think about what a miracle for you to have been born and no worry is too big for me to handle.
8) Each time I feel tired, I see how considerate you are to always let me sleep and play on your own in the playpen, even though you are awake, and suddenly something tugs my heart. (Mummy G knows! I just pretend to sleep sometimes;D)
9) Each time I feel like dwelling in the cruelties of life, or of the bizarre incident of how I lost my job, your presence is enough to help me climb out of the stinking pit and to scoop you up into my arms (even my stink does not put you off me)
10) Each time I feel totally messed up, I think about how cheeky and interactive you have turned out and I think I cannot be too messed up if I didn't mess you up.
One year old! And on this day, Mummy G should wish you a Happy 1st birthday!=))
Typically on a birthday, we thank God about how He gave us life, give thanks for the past year that has passed and pray for a good year ahead.
You are too young to say this prayer this year, so Mummy G will say it on your behalf,
" Dear God, thank you for bringing lil' Tyann Sera Goh into this world, for bringing this little bundle of joy into our lives. Daddy G and I thank you for keeping her healthy, safe and sound each day of her life in the past year. She is indeed the greatest blessing you have given us. Please continue to bless her every single day, going before her in every step of her way.
Thank you for choosing us to be her parents.
Thank you for choosing me to be her mum."