The last time I posted (which was a long long long while back), I told TSG1 that God was playing tricks on me. Then, it was because I just found out that TSG2 was on the way! And I was in a shell-shocked state at the time of post.
Of course, as with all things in life, everything that happens to us always turns out into a blessing (it is really all about the concept of looking at a glass half empty or full). Whilst many think that I have a tough life as a working Mum of two, wife to a traveling husband with not much help ( as in no maid), I prefer to see this as a marathon race-enjoying the "torture" for the challenge of it. ;)
Today (1 June 2011), TSG2 is 8 months old! Happy 8 months TSG2! 8 month old TSG2 can sit, laugh, play with toys, eat solids and pull his sister's hair! Many major events have also happened in your lifetime! Month to date, you have witnessed the one of the worst earthquakes in Japan and one in Singapore- in the form of GE 2011! (hehe!)
One may think that this post is dedicated to my just-turned 8 month old boy. It is not. Rather, it is dedicated to my most precocious Tyann-whom over the past 8 months, has risen to the occasion and embraced her new role as a big sister in the most impressive way.
Many had warned me about sibling rivalry, horror stories of jealousy-induced behavior. But I see a big heart in my little girl, who, in her own unique way (unique defined as rough manhandling!), has displayed her care, love and sense of responsibility selflessly.
Any sane person will know that life is not easy for me. Revolving my life around the two of you sucks the life out of me sometimes. It is ironic, but seeing the two of you grow up, watching you love each other and getting along so well puts the life back into me.
It's strange, this thing called Motherhood.