Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Birthday Post- of turning one year older, blessings and leaving the Scoot Baby

Dearest Tyann and Tytus 

No better day and time than today, on my birthday, to write another letter to you. 

Yay, one year older and hopefully wiser for Mummy G! :)

It's not yet the end of 2014, but nearing it, there is certainly a sense of wistfulness as I reflect on the year thus far. I must say, 2014 is certainly one of the more significant years of my life.

Good things that happened in 2014 (The top 10)

  1. The Journey to the West: Uprooting our whole family from the east to the west, and starting a year long mission to get everyone to school and work in the east on time. (Welcome to the PIE jam, goodbye to serenity of East Coast.. bleh). But God is still good! We have made it thus far and .. ok the west is not that bad (if you stop thinking about the east, that is.).
  2. The Full: Completed my first Full marathon after a 7 years hiatus with a timing that is not too shabby. Now that is one awesome personal feat. Most importantly, I did this with my precious precious Sole Sista, Aunty Shannon, who completed her first- ever full marathon of her life. Now, that IS more awesome than awesome! To more marathons and here's to our first Ultra my Sole Sista! 
    Mummy G and my Sole Sista!
  3. About MGS... Still cannot fathom how we did what we did to get Tyann into this school. The shift, the jams, the uncertainties of failing one ballot and the helplessness of watching your fate be determined by that stupid ballot ball in the second ballot. In spite of these, God is still so good and faithful. Through the ordeal of Primary school registration, Mummy G learnt a major lesson on what it really means to praise God in all circumstances and what it really means to "let Go and let God". Ever so #grateful that Tyann will have an opportunity to be educated in this school. May you grow up to be a Godly woman of excellence with a Heart of Love, Tyann!
  4. Your Pre-school: I can harp on this again and again and again. So so so blessed to have put both of you in a SUPERB Childcare in Mindchamps East Coast. The Principal and teachers are truly.one.of.a.kind. So super grateful to this bunch of extraordinarily patient teachers (seriously, how you manage your life around these noisy kids baffles me to no end). Thank you. Thank you again. And even the last Thank You is not enough. 
  5. The LOVELY parents from your Pre-school: Mindchamps East Coast PARENTS! If I could rank the good things that have happened to Mummy G this year, this totally tops the list. At my age, 36 (and I am not afraid to show my age. Seriously, everyone grows old, so what's the big deal?), getting out there and making new friends is not really very fun. I am privileged to have befriended this group of very very special parents, who have bonded to become great pals. The strong friendship that we have got going makes these Mummies and Daddies EXTRA SPECIAL. I am so blessed to have known this group of friends. Words can't express my #gratitude to this group of new found friends who have become my pillar of support and ENTERTAINMENT! The whatsapp chats have become such a necessary part of my life, I feel weird when it's quiet. Haha..
    Mindchamps Preschool East Coast
    Graduating Class of 2014
    (Photos by Kymberley Teo)
    Tyann and her girlfriends
    (Photos by Kymberley Teo)
    Tyann and her erm.. Boyfriend Dylan.....hmm hmmm hmmm...
    (Photos by Kymberley Teo)
  6. Being the "Prof": I tried out my first stint at SMU as adjunct lecturer, teaching a brand new module called Social Media and Content Management ( it was supposed to be Content Marketing. Don't know what went wrong there...) Thank you Class for first taking the plunge with me, the newbie adjunct who popped out of nowhere and for being so participative in my class and the super daunting projects I set you. You kiddies ROCK!! You have outperformed yourselves! As for me, I have to admit it is tiring heading to SMU every Monday for 3 hours after work to lecture and to spend weekends preparing for the lectures. But I am not complaining! So I am slated to teach again next semester, albeit another module. (SMU, why don't you wanna let me repeat my social media module again? That would have made my life easier yo.. Haha...)
    My SMU Students and I 
  7. RS: My beloved younger sister, my best friend and confidante, affectionately known as RS for reasons only she and I would know, finally got MARRIED! It felt like Tyann getting married for RS will know that she is more a daughter to me than a sister, given our age gap (of 8 years). Thanks for ALWAYS standing by me, even in the darkest moments. *Hugz*. Also to my cuzzies, Sui and Leng- almost like my own sistas through the years. Thanks for the love!!
    My pretty RS
    Good times with RS
    Cuzzies Love!
  8. Tyann Graduates! Tyann finally graduates from K2 and moving on to Primary one. What a milestone!! May the favour of God shine upon you and protect you wherever you are and whatever you do. Most importantly, Be Happy, Enjoy life and Don't forget to laugh, my darling gal.
    Yay! You have graduated!

    Graduation Concert

    Graduation concert

  9. The cult: My two beloved team members at work, Margaret and Faiza. I am so grateful to these two members of my small team, who have gone through "Thick and Thin" with me through my days at Scoot. I will never forget the day when both of you pulled me aside and spoke the kindest words a boss could ever want to hear from her team. I don't deserve this, but thank you nonetheless. I am forever #grateful.
    My awesome Scoot Marketing Team and I
  10. Of awards:The recent awards and getting Marketer of the Year 2014. Apart from dedicating this award to my beloved team, I also dedicate this to Daddy G, who has supported me all the way, which I know takes a lot of benevolence and magnanimity and... tolerance. Lol.
    My man and I
    That's us!
The 2014 regret
Amidst the news and congratulatory notes of winning a big Marketing award last week, not known to many, is the fact that I am leaving Scoot. This week marks the final week in office for me. 

And this was the little speech I gave when I went on stage to receive that trophy,

"When I joined Scoot 3 years ago, my CEO, Campbell, passed me a thumb drive, consisting of the Scoot Logo, a cartoon picture of our plane-to-be and an animated video of it taking off.
He also handed me a concept called Scootitude, a blank canvas and asked me to create a picture for the Scoot brand.
3 years on- Thank you Marketing Magazine for this Marketer of the Year award- an affirmation that we have drawn a pretty good picture on this canvas. Thank you Campbell, for this opportunity and trusting me to grow and nurture the Scoot brand like my own baby. Thank you agencies for supporting us for the past 3 years.
Most importantly, this award is dedicated the Scoot Marketing Team,-Margaret and Faiza. This. Is for you."

For the past three years, I have dedicated my life to growing this Scoot baby. (Tyann and Tytus, you can almost call him your 弟弟 because I love him just as I love both of you. (but to a lesser extent of course!)

One might wonder why I would choose to leave this brand and company in a great time like this. Let's just say God has a time and place for everything and the time has come, for me to focus my attention on nurturing the other two human babies I gave birth to and to explore new adventures. Admittedly, a very painful decision. 

Mixed feelings really. Have I deserted you, my Scoot baby? Leaving you to swim on your own and walking away from this little man whom I have grown so attached to? To focus on the positives, hand on heart, I think I have invested whatever I could for you over the past three years. 

The time has come for me to reprioritise on what is really important in Mummy G's life- my roles as a wife and a mother. 

As I went on stage that night to collect the trophy, as I watched at the videos and interviews that were done that night, I can't help but think when I looked at this trophy:

One last time on stage. One last encore. One last song. 

The Swansong.

Goodbye, my yellow sunny sonny, Scoot.

Thank you for the three lovely years.

It's been a helluva great ride.

Mummy G