Thursday, February 25, 2010

Of Dreams and Goals...

Lil' Tyann,

Mummy G is stuck at home this week because of a series of dental surgeries that I have to go through. It was difficult to finally decide to go through this series of surgeries to resolve my long-standing dental problem.

Having a most horrendous set of teeth is probably my life's biggest nemesis. It has caused me much pain, troubles, stress (undue!), inconveniences and embarrassment. There is nothing I ask God more- than for you to have a set of strong teeth that will last you for your lifetime. The last thing I want in my life would be to see you go through the pain and suffering that I had undergone to resolve my dental problems. 

So please please please be a good caretaker of your teeth!! 

As with all things in life, there are always two sides to a coin. On the flipside of the sufferings of the going through those dental surgeries lies great lessons in courage, bravery and hope.

Mummy G is just so proud of myself that I found the courage to go through all the multiple surgeries in 3 days. Bearing in mind that I have put this off for at least the last 6 years or so, this is in INCREDIBLE feat, isn't it? =)) Of course, I cannot take all the credit for this. I have Dr Philip Goh to thank for his constant smiles and encouragement, and his extremely skillful dentistry.

2009 was considered a bad year for Mummy G. At some point last year, I had no idea what to really look forward to apart from being thankful that amongst all the bad stuff happening, I still had you-the greatest miracle in my life. The thought of this kept me going, and for this, I have to thank you for giving me strength.

2009 came and went. I must thank God for when he brought on 2010, I was suddenly filled with new found energy to regain the zest in my life. I do not have high ideals, but 3 simple dreams/goals I have for this year that if I were to achieve them-would make my 2010 the best year of my life yet:

1) Get a new lease of life with my dental problems resolved COMPLETELY- (almost there now!)

2) Get a new job in a company that I can stay for a long time and a role that I will absolutely enjoy. ( I hope to get there soon!)

3) Hopefully, at the end of 2010, I would try to give you a little brother or sister (I have told you of how difficult this is for me, but no harm trying! Even if I cannot give you a sibling, we still have you, our most precious!)

In many management or motivational theories that you will learn as you grow older, setting of goals is the most important first step to every task. 

How long has it been since I have set goals for myself? I cannot remember but it sure feels good to have them set in place, especially at the beginning of a brand new year. :)

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