Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Signing out from Margate...

Dear TSGs

And so this Friday, after spending 6 years @Margate, the four of us (Daddy G, Mummy G and TSG x2) bid our farewells to start a new life @Sterling.

#goodbyeeast #hellowesterncentral

It has been a good 6 years, especially when Mummy G had always hoped to stay in Eastern Singapore- Which makes saying goodbye even more difficult.

@Margate will always hold a special place in my heart. I will miss:

  1. The wonderful location. Possibly one of the best locations in Singapore. 10min walk to East Coast Park, 5 min bus ride to Suntec City. We have enjoyed the best of both worlds.
  2. The slow, idyllic pace of the east. Peace, they call it. You really need that after a hard day's work.
  3. Jogging either at East Coast Park or to Gardens by the Bay. Just thinking about it makes my heart wrench. So let's not go there.
  4. The East and all its gastronomical delights. Oh Geylang Lor 41 kopitiam, how I will miss limming my kopi and eating your kaya toast.
  5. Our house. The "Couple pad" that we created thinking we will never have you- See through bathrooms and all. But God works in marvellous ways. Today we leave here with two more in tow (yes you TSGs.)

So why? For that one very simple reason. Primary 1 registration. Unabashedly so, and here are the reasons for that radical decision apart from the fact that there are ZERO primary schools 1-2km of Margate.

  1. Simply a parent's heart for her kids. Therefore, as with all parents of the world, Our hope is to do whatever's within our influence to provide for your lives while you still need us.
  2. Not all schools are for everyone. If we had wanted a good school with super high academic standard, Tao Nan in the East could have made life much simpler for us. But TSG1, with your sensitive nature, may not thrive in such an environment.We therefore hope that a nurturing environment will help our girl to unleash your potential.
  3. A nice mission school teaching my "tend-to-be-too-emotional" girl Christian values could help you manage your emotions better, depending on God for strength and wisdom rather than on yourself or on us.
The recent "buzz phrase" is "All Schools are Good Schools". Yes, perhaps so. But not all schools are homogenous. To me, it's all about which school for which kid- Different strokes, Different Folks.

In conclusion, we struggled a long time to finally come to this decision to shift near to a school we think is suitable for our TSG1. In Singapore's Primary School Registration system, it only means we have a higher chance with no guarantee. It may all end up a nought and we get balloted out.

In sports we learn never say never until we try. And if we fail, we can tell ourselves, "Well, at least we tried."
#nowhatifs #noregrets

Mummy G