Thursday, June 26, 2008

Do you dare to (pursue your) dream?

Lil' Tyann,

Last night was the first night Mummy G felt you kick really hard in my tummy. Before that, your kicks were like fluttering butterflies, gone before I could really decipher them. Mummy G even saw her tummy move last night! A quick rippling across my tummy like a darting fish in a pond.

Daddy G was very excited and wanted to have a taste of your kicks too. You must be a lil' cheeky fella- playing tricks on your Daddy G and teasing him (just like what Mummy G likes to do. Haha...a tough time ahead for our Daddy G with the two of us in the game soon!=D).

When Daddy G laid his hand on Mummy 's tummy, you went all silent, as though you were not there. Once he moved his hand away, you would promptly give Mummy G a hard, strong kick!

Did you sense our Daddy G's disappointment? For when Daddy G made his last ditched effort to feel you, you gave Mummy G one kick, just one kick that seemed to be telling Daddy G, yes you are there and you know he is there too. And Daddy G felt you for the very first time last night!

And like all good things that you cannot have too much of, you gave Daddy G that one and only kick. You must have known that would leave him hoping for more! (and of course they never came. Not while his hand was on my tummy anyway! Hah, Boo!)

Our lil' Tyann seems to be a little nocturnal owl and most active at night (and right before Mummy G's bedtime! Tsk tsk tsk..sleep when you are supposed to little one, don't follow your Mummy G who is born an owl. I see sleepless nights ahead of me? Hmm....)

Sometimes in the day, when you are not kicking so much, Mummy G thinks you must be sleeping. Lil' Tyann, do you dream in your sleep? What do you dream?

Mummy G used to have dreams. I have dreams which are still so vivid in my mind.

When I was young, I dreamt to be a sportsperson. (You would know by now how much Mummy G adores sports and exercise, having followed me to the gym and spinning classes for the past 2.5 months.=D) I dreamt of representing our country in netball, in track & field, in cross country races. The dream almost happened but when obstacles came (due to Mummy G's principal's objections for fear of falling grades affecting the stupid ranking of her school..sigh), Mummy G had to give it up.

When Mummy G was older, she decided she liked to write and she liked communications. So, in spite of your gong gong's and jiu jiu's objections, Mummy G went ahead to pursue a degree in communications, in hope of becoming a journalist or video producer one day. Again, the dream almost happpened, for Mummy G took to the course like fish to water and breezed through her university days.

However, when Mummy G reached the crossroad of having to make a decision on her career, she decided to take "practical" advice (can't earn money being a journalist or producer they say) and to take one of the most common route, a Marketing career instead of following her dream.

Then when Mummy G was even older, she dreamt of starting her own business, be her own boss, grow her own brand. Again, for some reasons, the dream never came to pass.

Today, Mummy G is still in a Marketing job, neither hating nor loving it. Neither passionate or impassionate. Dreams like what Mummy G described never presented themselves to me again.

Maybe the dreams got tired-Got tired of telling Mummy G so many times the route she should be taking, yet getting disappointed by her time and again when she strays.

When do you know a dream is not merely a dream, but a path to reality?
1) When you feel that quickening in your heart and lighthearted skips in your steps as you pursue that route you dream of.
2) When you keep late nights or go through difficulties as you pursue that route but still feel happy as a lark.

I feel happy to see your Yi Yi (Mui Ngee Yi Yi) happily pursuing her dream today.

Like what Mummy G experienced when she had her dreams, Yi Yi's dream of songwriting and composing was met with many objections and negative comments all round. I am so proud that she has pushed ahead to pursue her dream so she will not look back nor regret in future.

She practises till 2-3am in the morning these days with no complaints. I see sparkles in her eyes, passion in her heart with her music pursuits. She has dared to take the road less travelled to pursue her dream, that one try so she would have no regrets in her life.

Daddy G is a pragmatic guy. He thinks dreams are a waste of time. He always says a job is a job and a job ain't a job if it doesn't bring in the dough and that's all there is to a job- The Dough. (haha, a little tongue twister there!)

Mummy G thinks this is mostly very true, but a guy being a guy will be practical, with "no nonsense" typically, while girls tend to be more complex (emotional, more passionate typically). Girls need to be filled emotionally so as to feel whole, to feel complete.

I guess this is something that Daddy G will never understand (I will be in trouble if he does, if you get my drift..hahhahaa!) but something Mummy G will deeply understand about our lil' Tyann in future.

Hold it. As Mummy G is writing this, I am feeling that familiar sense of excitement bubbling from within. A feeling that feels like a long-lost friend. Is that a dream coming to Mummy G?

It is a dream alright.

In this dream, Mummy G dreamt that you lil' Tyann, will be a courageous girl who will dare to dream and pursue your dreams.

This dream, Mummy G will not let go.

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