Thursday, June 19, 2008

Que Sera Sera. What will be, will be...

Hey lil' G!

How's life in the tummy? Mummy G's missing you already! I mean I am missing looking at you via the ultra-sound scans!:D

Next time we meet again will be at Dr Fong's on 12 July. Mummy & Daddy G are so looking forward to that day to see how big you have grown. By then you will be 24 weeks old (6 months, 3 plus months more to go!) in Mummy G's tummy! (oh by the way congratulations lil' G, you are exactly 21 weeks old today!)

At every visit to Dr Fong's, Daddy & Mummy G look forward to chilling out at the PS Cafe below Dr Fong's clinic @ Paragon. The Turkey & Cranberry sandwich, Tofu Salad & desserts there ROCK!! Okay...we will bring you there to chill with us when you are out of Mummy G's tummy. Unfortunately, it will be a loooong time before you can enjoy the food! Stick with the milk babe! In the meantime, you can oogle and salivate (literally!) at Daddy & Mummy G's delicious food! (Bad..Bad...Mummy G!)

Speaking of Dr Fong, I think he must think Mummy G is one of his most rebellious patients yet. Because I am always whining about how he does not allow me to exercise and asking him questions like why Charlotte (of Sex and the City) could run while pregnant while I can't.. ;(

He believes that I should just sit and do nothing while I believe that you would love some exercise (Oops! Sorry to quote you, hahaha). And so, because my lil' Tyann is going to be a sports lover like her Mummy G, Mummy G decided to head right back to her exercise regime right after the 12th week of conceiving you. ;)

Don't you love Uncle Straight-faced Martin's spinning class? I think you love it as you always kick me when Mummy G's spinning on the bike as though you are bobbing your tiny head to the rhythm of the music! =D

I am sure you are getting a good work out as well as I get so unbearable hungry halfway through each class. I didn't feel like that before, so it must be you burning the calories and getting hungry no? ;) (actually, that's my excuse to eat. haha)

Daddy G often says he thinks I am torturing you because: 1) I spin and spin and make "his baby hungry"; 2) I sleep too late and so "his baby can't get her beauty sleep"; 3) I eat too much chilli padis and am "burning his baby". (Bleh....look who he is siding already, you blessed one!)

Aunty Gym Jojo Sinclair (She was a very famous Singaporean female bodybuilder in the 1990s! Here's a piece of history lesson for you lil' one!) thinks our lil' Tyann will be a healthy and sporty gal because Mummy G is exercising so much while expecting you.

Aunty Gym Emily (one of Mummy G's BFFs) thinks you will be a lil' rockafella because you would have listened to so much of Uncle Straight-faced Martin's "Headbanging techno spin music" while in Mummy G's tummy. Hee hee! :)

Lil' Tyann's 舅舅 & 舅母 think I should listen to the Mozart Effect's Music for Babies because those who listen to the brilliant Mozart will also be brilliant children. Of course Mummy G wants lil' Tyann to be a brilliant girl, so she bought two of the CDs from the Series. (Currently one CD has deteriorated to the state of becoming Daddy and Mummy G's "rarely-listened to lullaby CD" in the car while the other is left unopen and chucked somewhere when we shifted to Margate. Heh. Heh. Heh.)

Mummy G's colleagues think that Mummy G should stop drinking cold water and very "liang" food as it may cause you to have asthma. (but....Babycentre and Dr Fong didn't tell mummy G that? Hmmm....)

Lil' Tyann's 婆婆 says she thinks Mummy G should not take Barley, black fungus and a whole host of other food while your other 婆婆 says no crabs, prawns, rojak, ginseng, kangkong and a whole host of other food because your skin will not be smooth. (Neither did Babycentre nor Dr Fong tell Mummy G that...)

Lil's Tyann, do you want to know what Mummy G thinks?

Mummy G ( and of course Daddy G will agree too. He'd better! :D ) thinks that Lil' Tyann will be a fine baby when she is born, a fine lady as she grows up. Even if Mummy G (for some reason or other) fails to try to heed the advice of the kindhearted folks around her (the keyword is TRY), she still strongly believes that you, lil' Tyann Sera Goh will turn out perfect- just the way you are.

Mummy G thought of a childhood song while on this topic.

There are many things about Tyann that Mummy G will be prone to worry about- now, in the future and probably for the rest of Mummy G's life. Will you be healthy, will you be smart and here's what this song said to me (Pun unintended!),

"Que Sera Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera Sera"

Indeed, the House of Gs will just take whatever comes along our way with a good measure of faith and laughter and Mummy G believes everything will work out for us in its own best way.


God is in the house.

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